If you are a current client and would like to make a payment you may do so online using paypal
Past or current clients* include:
Withrotor Aviation
Epiphany Digital
Yaks Koffeeshop and Cafe
Turtle Bay Exploration Park
Gold Coast Fliers
Burrito Bandito
101 things magazine
Burrito Bandito
101 things magazine
Dog Fancy (Freelance Photographer)
Shasta Splash Dogs
Redding Portable x-ray
Committee to elect Colonel Pete Stiglich for Congress
Shasta College
River Dogs Agility Training Center
Benton Dog Park
Cottonwood Community Center
Dean of Cakes
*Client list does not include names from numerous weddings and personal portrait sessions.
Along with being published, I also author a blog for creatives
Capture Cafe
Along with being published, I also author a blog for creatives
Capture Cafe